Friday 30 August 2013

One Day Open Khuru Tournament

We the family of zhemgang HSS is going to conduct One day open khuru tournament on 8th Sept, 2013, So we the ZHSS family cordially invite all the people Zhemgang to participated in this tournament.

Zhemgang Higher Secondary School
Zhemgang: Bhutan
                                                                                                                      20th August 2013

Sub: Invitation for open Khuru Tournament

ZHSS is organizing one day Open Khuru Tournament on 8th of September 2013. Therefore,we would like to invite school, institute, private and government sector to participate in the upcoming tournament. The purpose of conducting tournament is to:
ü  Keep alive the traditional sports of our country
ü  Implement the custom of playing Khuru
ü  To promote community relationships
ü  Also as a part of fund raising activity for the school to purchase some necessary items

So, we request the interested teams to register before 5th of September with the name list of 5 palyers including manager and also with the entry fee of Nu. 3500/-(Three Thousand Five Hundred Only).

Individual prizes for winning teams will be awarded with:
1st Prize: Rice cooker each
2nd Prize: Water boiler each
3rd Prize: Grinder each

The prizes will aslo be awarded for highest Karey in the first league round.

Note: The participating team must report to the field (ZHSS football ground) on or before 7:30 am sharp on above mentioned date, i.e. 8th September 2013

For your further information please contact Kinley Penjor at 17683415.

Looking forward with extreme anticipation and many thanks for your support.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Rinzin Namgyal

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